Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesdays are Overrated.

I've still be in a slight haze the past few weeks. As much as I'd like to think im good at acquainting myself with new surroundings, I find myself questioning my environment from the moment I open my eyes to start the day. Class has begun, but is quickly disguised by the massive stage in the courtyard and the campus bar set in the corner. I've never been so confused. Is this an excuse to slack off? First week jitters? The result of no homework? Whatever it may be, I'm still calculating its impact on my sanity.

I'm cut up, sore, and bruised from God knows what. I told myself that if I wasn't risking my life everyday, I'd be disappointed. I want to scare the hell out of Kate.

My mind has turned into a thick pulp of emotions as a result of a lacking reality. Strangely enough, a fairly decent part of me feels the need to catch a plane back home. The honeymoon period has ended, and I'm now left with just my thoughts. You don't realize the importance of something until it's 15,000 miles away, whether it be material, emotional, mental, or physical. Everything has been put on hold so abruptly. I guess there is no grace period in which you will inevitably have to force yourself to adjust.

On a lighter note, I present to you and epic sunset.
Oh, and to follow that trend, my Event Planning teacher is a transvestite. Super fabulous (only to be spoken in drag).

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